Water bugs
Water striders on Florida's Ocklawaha river
Red dragonfly
A dragonfly on a leaf in Darwin, Australia
A damselfly shot at twice life size
Blue dragonfly
Water striders in Ayudhaya, Thailand
A Male mosquito changes his skin
A mosquito lands on a flower
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Water Striders
Many of the world’s insects have an intimate relationship with freshwater. Some aquatic bugs, like the water striders shown here, live on or near the surface and may even dive below before emerging again to breathe air. Other insects hatch from eggs and spend the first part of their lives underwater, and when they eventually leave the water for land, they never stray too far from a pond or stream even as adults. Insects are important links in the freshwater food chain and are popular prey for fish and other aquatic animals.
Photograph by Christian Meyn, Your Shot

Freshwater Insects Pictures

See photos of freshwater insects (dragonfly, damselfly, waterbug) in this photo gallery from National Geographic.

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